Non-urgent advice: Notice
Please come in to see Reception to get it set up after 11 am.
Appointment System
The Surgery runs an appointment system; routine appointments are for ten minutes.
We aim to see patients at the appointment time but due to the nature of medical practice this cannot be guaranteed. If more time is needed you may be asked to book a further appointment.
An appointment can be made online, at reception or by telephoning during office hours. If you cannot keep your appointment, please let us know. You can see the Doctor of your choice (if available) every morning by telephoning the Surgery from 8.00am onwards or come in person to the Surgery. Pre-booked appointments can be made in the mornings and afternoons as well as emergencies.
Home Visits
If you are too ill to come to the surgery, a Doctor may visit you at home.
Please telephone 020 8360 3953 before 11:30am if possible; the Receptionist will ask for some information regarding your problem.
Telephone Advice
The Doctor may not be able to speak to you immediately but will return your call the same day when he/she is free.
Doctors In Training
The Practice has been recognised as being of a suitably high standard to train future GPs.
You may be offered an appointment with the Registrar who is a fully qualified doctor learning the particular skills of family medicine. This Doctor will always have access to one of the Partners should advice be needed. As part of the training you may be asked if you would permit your consultation to be videoed. There is no obligation to agree and you may change your mind at any time and have the recording deleted.
Only the Doctor involved and the Trainer will only see the recording unless further permission in writing is obtained from you.
Occasionally medical students from the Royal Free Hospital visit the Surgery to gain experience of General Practice. Please be assured that all medical records are treated with full confidentiality.